Most hated characters in fiction

Mickey mouse 1928 created by walt disney and ub iworks for steamboat willie. Many were turned off when andrea ditched michonne, rick, and her friends when she became blinded by the charm of the shows villain, the governor. She became a second mom to carl and eventually wound up the new mrs. Who do you think is the most overrated fictional character of all time.

The writers have done a great job of keeping it fresh with new characters pretty much every season, so maybe its best if the big bang theory ends while we still like most of them. My most hated characters would have to be everyone in the wheel of time other than that guy that jordan copied from donaldsons giants thats why i like him loial or something, hes funky. Krabs, is a fictional character in the american animated television series spongebob squarepants. In other words, shes a great villain and one of the most hated fictional characters. I should be reading ulysses, and fabricating my case for and against. Which is the most hated character portrayed in a movie. Voldemort is evil, sure, but in a cacking and massive kind of way. Top 10 satisfying deaths of hated tv characters youtube. Despite all of that, thane manages to remain a total badass all the way through and almost wins the fight against kai leng even though he was in the terminal stages of. The 100 most iconic, wellknown, and generally beloved fictional characters of film, television, literature, and pop culture since the turn of the 20th century. Joffrey baratheon for what reason is joffrey hated. There are always characters in fiction that we loathe. But unlike villains like lucius malfoy, bellatrix lestrange, or even voldemort himself or the everawesome fenrir greyback, who, need i remind you, is a childeating werewolf in a book series aimed for children, no body likes umbridge.

Most of the books were only mentioned once or twice. Read most hated character from the story bnha zodiac by abaddon clicky with 958 reads. Why is corrin basically the most hated character in fiction. Two characters that i can think of right off the top of my head that i hated even though i love the novels are alexander portnoy of portnoys complaint. The top ten most annoying fictional characters booking. Always getting away with everything, just like my little brother did.

An irritating fictional character is the thing that has the most potential to completely ruin a book for me, aside from maybe a pointless annoying romance although ill talk about that nearer to valentines day. Top 10 most memorable mass effect companion characters. Whitewolfrpg submitted 7 months ago by theotherswatch most love is the aunt from the giovanni clanbook revised. A mixture of good writing, good acting or unfortunately sometimes exactly the opposite, an annoying, hateful, despicable characterone that you want to actually physically hurt is a rare achievement. There are some fictional characters who are just universally hated. Whether its because theyre so convincingly evil or just unbearably annoying. Ultimate on the nintendo switch, a gamefaqs message board topic titled why is corrin basically the most hated character in fiction. Such is the case with holden caulfield, whose negative attitude and isolation simultaneously attracts and repels with very few readers walking away feeling lukewarm. While many game of thrones villains are loathsome, there usually. Why is dolores umbridge one of the most universally hated. When it comes to a song of ice and fire, there are just so many characters to hate. But, most feel a tiny bit of redemptive empathy for estella as her sense of hatred toward men comes directly from the teaching of her guardian, miss havisham. What are the top 10 fictional characters you hate the most.

James, twilight by stephenie meyer, lord of the flies by william golding, one hundred years of. I am sorry if you like a person on here, but i have a 5 sentence paragraph below it explaning why i dont like the certian characters. But her hotheaded and proud character had the opposite effect with tv fans. Dolores umbridge from harry potter and the order of the phoenix by j. Some might deem being featured in the list of most hated characters and villains in movies ever a bad thing, but the truth is that it requires a great deal of talent to earn everyones hatred. For tropes about characters hating someone, see hatred tropes. One of the most iconic characters in all of fiction. With appearances ranging from video games to onscreen and novel appearances. He murders children, drinks unicorn blood, and plots to possess a schoolgirl. I have a certain list of characters who i really, vehemently feel should be pushed off the nearest cliff the most annoying of the annoying characters. We cant deny that hes a problem, but his brand of evil feels as distant and dramatic as a disney vil. He only cares about money, he has no regard for his employees and doesnt even pay them rather they have to pay him, and he does horrible things to people and.

As an older sibling, i had so much hate toward her. Most hated book characters ever books with emily fox. Cholly breedlove from the bluest eye by toni morrison. Martins literary saga a song of ice and fire had known for years was a little piece of shit and one of the most hated fictional characters. Its not my fault that the very worst characters in science fiction and fantasy just happen to be teenage girls, and this opinion is certainly not formed on a lifetime of exposure to misogyny. Until recently, i would not have had to think about number 1 it was automatic with no competition minty from eastenders. Bella swan from the twilight saga is probably the most hated female character right now outside the inexplicably devoted twilight fans. So, here are the 10 most hated supporting characters in star trek. As jar jar is an animated character, the primary culprit is of course george lucas. Sure twilight has somehow attracted a legion of fans some surprisingly sane, but a significant amount of people despise the idealized central couple as well. So last week we asked you to spill the three books you just hated. Jar jar was also dumb as a sack of hammers with an afrocaribbean accent, which some people werent too happy. Here are some of the most infuriating, punchable, and all around most hated characters in all of literature. I felt an almost visceral loathing for the character from the first moment i.

The 20 most irritating big bang theory characters, ranked. As with many of literatures most hated characters, some have an equally ardent cult following as well. Hate with every fibre of our being, so much so, that we made a list. Although luhrmann gave us all glam, the character is anything but and one of the most widely hated in history. My top 10 most hated harry potter characters, a harry. In many forms of entertainment, fans put up with the most hated fictional characters ever in order to enjoy the characters they love. The star trek franchise is populated by some of the most memorable characters in all of science fiction. Some characters in fiction get way more attention than they deserve while more interesting characters are ignored. Hes an annoying spoiled brat with a whiny voice that makes my ears want to bleed, how do people even find this guy cute. But, well, a handful of them got a whole lot of unlove. A character could be an interesting an engaging character and still be overrated by the public or the. Even after fifty years and dozens of renditions from numerous writers, the themes that we associate with batman such as selfimprovement, trauma and the struggles of the human psyche, persists even today. It also introduced audiences to a character who fans of george r.

It boasts a staggering catalog of recognizable faces, both human and alien, that have helped to shape remarkable stories in the final frontier of exploration. Jar jar wasis one of the most annoying characters in all of science fiction for various reasons. For this list, were looking at movie characters that audiences most hate from villains such as percy wetmore in the green mile 1999 and mrs. One would think that estella would come out on top as the most hated character in great expectations. There are characters in books that you just love no matter what, so much so. Yet, there were a few characters in the mix that didnt quite strike our fancy in the way other characters did. Most loved and most hated characters in white wolf fiction other than samuel haight self. Is there a more insufferable character in literature. The blog library science degree has compiled a wideranging list of the 50 most hated characters in literary historya list touches on everything from teenybopper fiction. Talim soul calibur franchise much like broly and gorosaurus, shes one of the most overrated, overhyped ive ever come across in any fandom. Buchanan, who tops this list, here are 17 terrible and irritating characters from great books so no twilight, thanks. The mouthpiece of the gaming generation, the escapist aims to capture and celebrate the contemporary video gaming lifestyle and the diverse global video. The most hated characters in genre are teen girls but we. Your 20 mostloved literary characters rebecca joines schinsky oct 7, 20 we at the riot love a good poll, and in our latest bout of curiosity, we asked you to name your three favorite literary characters.

The most hated movie characters of all time insider. The 100 most iconic fictional characters the definitive dose. Some movie characters are so loathsome theyre hard to watch. While fiction can come up with some incredibly disgusting villainous characters, real dirtbags are far more troubling. Title says it all, what are you most hated characters in all of fiction. Voldemort may have been the most evil character in the harry potter universe. Jar jar was a gungan, native to the planet of naboo.

What if it was a female dwarf, then i could understand a woman beating a man. Bob ewell, the racist asshole who frames the innocent tom robinson for raping his daughter, is deservedly one of the most hated book characters of all time. Heres a list of tropes involving characters who are hated, shunned, mistreated, and despised by others. While not every hateful fictional character sees such a modernday application, its often the case that the characters we despise represent some important aspect of humanity that should be. I have a lot of opinions, and thus a great many characters who annoy or disappoint me for. With peak tv and the rise of audiences obsession with antiheroes, it seems inevitable that youll love to hate at least one fictional person on. Nothings better than finding a literary character who you love. The 47 most unlikable tv characters of all time insider. Here are fifteen of the most hated reality tv personalities from the past, and what they are up to these days. The most hated characters in genre are teen girls but were sure theres a good reason. Sometimes, a character is so despicable, obnoxious or just plain dumb in a movie that we end up almost hating the actor in real life. Lazarus long, from various works by robert heinlein.